/* To test -weak-l or -weak-framework: * -DWEAK_IMPORT= * -DWEAK_FRAMEWORK=1 * -UEMPTY when building the weak-not-missing library * -DEMPTY= when building the weak-missing library To test attribute((weak_import)): * -DWEAK_IMPORT=__attribute__((weak_import)) * -UWEAK_FRAMEWORK * -UEMPTY when building the weak-not-missing library * -DEMPTY= when building the weak-missing library */ #include "test.h" #include extern int state; WEAK_IMPORT OBJC_ROOT_CLASS @interface MissingRoot { id isa; } +(void) initialize; +(Class) class; +(id) alloc; -(id) init; -(void) dealloc; +(int) method; @end @interface MissingRoot (RR) -(id) retain; -(void) release; @end WEAK_IMPORT @interface MissingSuper : MissingRoot { @public int ivar; } @end OBJC_ROOT_CLASS @interface NotMissingRoot { id isa; } +(void) initialize; +(Class) class; +(id) alloc; -(id) init; -(void) dealloc; +(int) method; @end @interface NotMissingRoot (RR) -(id) retain; -(void) release; @end @interface NotMissingSuper : NotMissingRoot { @public int unused[100]; int ivar; } @end