/* * Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this * file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* Object.m Copyright 1988-1996 NeXT Software, Inc. */ #include "objc-private.h" #undef id #undef Class typedef struct objc_class *Class; typedef struct objc_object *id; #if __OBJC2__ @implementation Object + (id)initialize { return self; } + (id)class { return self; } -(id) retain { return _objc_rootRetain(self); } -(void) release { _objc_rootRelease(self); } -(id) autorelease { return _objc_rootAutorelease(self); } +(id) retain { return self; } +(void) release { } +(id) autorelease { return self; } @end // __OBJC2__ #else // not __OBJC2__ #include #include #include #include #include "Object.h" #include "Protocol.h" #include "objc-runtime.h" // Error Messages static const char _errShouldHaveImp[] = "should have implemented the '%s' method.", _errShouldNotImp[] = "should NOT have implemented the '%s' method.", _errLeftUndone[] = "method '%s' not implemented", _errBadSel[] = "method %s given invalid selector %s", _errDoesntRecognize[] = "does not recognize selector %c%s"; @implementation Object + (id)initialize { return self; } - (id)awake { return self; } + (id)poseAs: aFactory { return class_poseAs(self, aFactory); } + (id)new { id newObject = (*_alloc)((Class)self, 0); Class metaClass = self->ISA(); if (class_getVersion(metaClass) > 1) return [newObject init]; else return newObject; } + (id)alloc { return (*_zoneAlloc)((Class)self, 0, malloc_default_zone()); } + (id)allocFromZone:(void *) z { return (*_zoneAlloc)((Class)self, 0, z); } - (id)init { return self; } - (const char *)name { return class_getName(isa); } + (const char *)name { return class_getName((Class)self); } - (unsigned)hash { return (unsigned)(((uintptr_t)self) >> 2); } - (BOOL)isEqual:anObject { return anObject == self; } - (id)free { return (*_dealloc)(self); } + (id)free { return nil; } - (id)self { return self; } -(id)class { return (id)isa; } + (id)class { return self; } - (void *)zone { void *z = malloc_zone_from_ptr(self); return z ? z : malloc_default_zone(); } + (id)superclass { return self->superclass; } - (id)superclass { return isa->superclass; } + (int) version { return class_getVersion((Class)self); } + (id)setVersion: (int) aVersion { class_setVersion((Class)self, aVersion); return self; } - (BOOL)isKindOf:aClass { Class cls; for (cls = isa; cls; cls = cls->superclass) if (cls == (Class)aClass) return YES; return NO; } - (BOOL)isMemberOf:aClass { return isa == (Class)aClass; } - (BOOL)isKindOfClassNamed:(const char *)aClassName { Class cls; for (cls = isa; cls; cls = cls->superclass) if (strcmp(aClassName, class_getName(cls)) == 0) return YES; return NO; } - (BOOL)isMemberOfClassNamed:(const char *)aClassName { return strcmp(aClassName, class_getName(isa)) == 0; } + (BOOL)instancesRespondTo:(SEL)aSelector { return class_respondsToMethod((Class)self, aSelector); } - (BOOL)respondsTo:(SEL)aSelector { return class_respondsToMethod(isa, aSelector); } - (id)copy { return [self copyFromZone: [self zone]]; } - (id)copyFromZone:(void *)z { return (*_zoneCopy)(self, 0, z); } - (IMP)methodFor:(SEL)aSelector { return class_lookupMethod(isa, aSelector); } + (IMP)instanceMethodFor:(SEL)aSelector { return class_lookupMethod(self, aSelector); } - (id)perform:(SEL)aSelector { if (aSelector) return ((id(*)(id, SEL))objc_msgSend)(self, aSelector); else return [self error:_errBadSel, sel_getName(_cmd), aSelector]; } - (id)perform:(SEL)aSelector with:anObject { if (aSelector) return ((id(*)(id, SEL, id))objc_msgSend)(self, aSelector, anObject); else return [self error:_errBadSel, sel_getName(_cmd), aSelector]; } - (id)perform:(SEL)aSelector with:obj1 with:obj2 { if (aSelector) return ((id(*)(id, SEL, id, id))objc_msgSend)(self, aSelector, obj1, obj2); else return [self error:_errBadSel, sel_getName(_cmd), aSelector]; } - (id)subclassResponsibility:(SEL)aSelector { return [self error:_errShouldHaveImp, sel_getName(aSelector)]; } - (id)notImplemented:(SEL)aSelector { return [self error:_errLeftUndone, sel_getName(aSelector)]; } - (id)doesNotRecognize:(SEL)aMessage { return [self error:_errDoesntRecognize, class_isMetaClass(isa) ? '+' : '-', sel_getName(aMessage)]; } - (id)error:(const char *)aCStr, ... { va_list ap; va_start(ap,aCStr); (*_error)(self, aCStr, ap); _objc_error (self, aCStr, ap); /* In case (*_error)() returns. */ va_end(ap); return nil; } - (void) printForDebugger:(void *)stream { } - (id)write:(void *) stream { return self; } - (id)read:(void *) stream { return self; } - (id)forward: (SEL) sel : (marg_list) args { return [self doesNotRecognize: sel]; } /* this method is not part of the published API */ - (unsigned)methodArgSize:(SEL)sel { Method method = class_getInstanceMethod((Class)isa, sel); if (! method) return 0; return method_getSizeOfArguments(method); } - (id)performv: (SEL) sel : (marg_list) args { unsigned size; // Messages to nil object always return nil if (! self) return nil; // Calculate size of the marg_list from the method's // signature. This looks for the method in self // and its superclasses. size = [self methodArgSize: sel]; // If neither self nor its superclasses implement // it, forward the message because self might know // someone who does. This is a "chained" forward... if (! size) return [self forward: sel: args]; // Message self with the specified selector and arguments return objc_msgSendv (self, sel, size, args); } /* Testing protocol conformance */ - (BOOL) conformsTo: (Protocol *)aProtocolObj { return [(id)isa conformsTo:aProtocolObj]; } + (BOOL) conformsTo: (Protocol *)aProtocolObj { Class cls; for (cls = self; cls; cls = cls->superclass) { if (class_conformsToProtocol(cls, aProtocolObj)) return YES; } return NO; } /* Looking up information for a method */ - (struct objc_method_description *) descriptionForMethod:(SEL)aSelector { Class cls; struct objc_method_description *m; /* Look in the protocols first. */ for (cls = isa; cls; cls = cls->superclass) { if (cls->ISA()->version >= 3) { struct objc_protocol_list *protocols = (struct objc_protocol_list *)cls->protocols; while (protocols) { int i; for (i = 0; i < protocols->count; i++) { Protocol *p = protocols->list[i]; if (class_isMetaClass(cls)) m = [p descriptionForClassMethod:aSelector]; else m = [p descriptionForInstanceMethod:aSelector]; if (m) { return m; } } if (cls->ISA()->version <= 4) break; protocols = protocols->next; } } } /* Then try the class implementations. */ for (cls = isa; cls; cls = cls->superclass) { void *iterator = 0; int i; struct objc_method_list *mlist; while ( (mlist = class_nextMethodList( cls, &iterator )) ) { for (i = 0; i < mlist->method_count; i++) if (mlist->method_list[i].method_name == aSelector) { m = (struct objc_method_description *)&mlist->method_list[i]; return m; } } } return 0; } + (struct objc_method_description *) descriptionForInstanceMethod:(SEL)aSelector { Class cls; /* Look in the protocols first. */ for (cls = self; cls; cls = cls->superclass) { if (cls->ISA()->version >= 3) { struct objc_protocol_list *protocols = (struct objc_protocol_list *)cls->protocols; while (protocols) { int i; for (i = 0; i < protocols->count; i++) { Protocol *p = protocols->list[i]; struct objc_method_description *m; if ((m = [p descriptionForInstanceMethod:aSelector])) return m; } if (cls->ISA()->version <= 4) break; protocols = protocols->next; } } } /* Then try the class implementations. */ for (cls = self; cls; cls = cls->superclass) { void *iterator = 0; int i; struct objc_method_list *mlist; while ( (mlist = class_nextMethodList( cls, &iterator )) ) { for (i = 0; i < mlist->method_count; i++) if (mlist->method_list[i].method_name == aSelector) { struct objc_method_description *m; m = (struct objc_method_description *)&mlist->method_list[i]; return m; } } } return 0; } /* Obsolete methods (for binary compatibility only). */ + (id)superClass { return [self superclass]; } - (id)superClass { return [self superclass]; } - (BOOL)isKindOfGivenName:(const char *)aClassName { return [self isKindOfClassNamed: aClassName]; } - (BOOL)isMemberOfGivenName:(const char *)aClassName { return [self isMemberOfClassNamed: aClassName]; } - (struct objc_method_description *) methodDescFor:(SEL)aSelector { return [self descriptionForMethod: aSelector]; } + (struct objc_method_description *) instanceMethodDescFor:(SEL)aSelector { return [self descriptionForInstanceMethod: aSelector]; } - (id)findClass:(const char *)aClassName { return objc_lookUpClass(aClassName); } - (id)shouldNotImplement:(SEL)aSelector { return [self error:_errShouldNotImp, sel_getName(aSelector)]; } @end #endif